Are there not multiple instances historically where "War" was waged to capture lands (typically agricultural) and annihilation or enslavement of the local tribe / residents / ruler was just "the way of war"? Modern wars I think fall into your definition but even there US invaded Afghanistan / Iraq and installed puppet governments as opposed to actually "negotiating" with someone. I also think that in non democratic socities, the person in control may not "represent" the people. so "annihilation" changes who you talk to.

Sorry - a bit all over the place!

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I see your point. But, there might be one other reason to continue to negotiate rather than attempt to annihilate - annihilation can grow support for Hamas and keep it alive with new followers. How will the young Gazans who've witnessed this attack respond? I bet by developing a deep kernel of hatred for Israel, which can only be avenged. Annihilation requires removal of all support, including Iran/Hezbollah/etc., which is not feasible, I think.

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